There are times when you need to block your website from showing up on Google or you want to remove your website from Google Search. Following are few cases where you need to do so:

  • Your website is private and you don’t want people to see it.
  • If you have a staging version of your website on sub-domain like, then you want to block the staging version from google search robots.

Urgently Remove Website from Google

If your webpage is already listed on Google and you want to remove it on urgent basis, then you can do so using the Google’s removal tool

Using Robots.txt

To remove or block the site from Google search engine, you have to add/update the robots.txt file in the root directory on your domain or sub-domain.

Robot file blocks or allows the search bots from accessing your site. You can configure it directory-wise as well. Means, if you want search engine bots to access your site except few directories. You can do that as well using robots.txt file.

Removing site from all search engines

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Removing site from Google search engine only

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /