In the realm of web development, connecting different platforms and services is the key to building powerful and integrated solutions. One such mechanism to achieve this is by making API calls, which allow our applications to talk to other services and retrieve data or perform actions. PHP, being a server-side language, offers a robust tool […]
Issue: While uploading your bundle on android play store, you might be getting the following error. In this post, I am sharing a potential solution to this issue. This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirementThe following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native […]
Creating a publishable apk in ionic can be a very simple task if you follow the below steps. Open the Command Line at the root directory of your ionic app Run the following command to generate the release build of your ionic appionic cordova build android –release This will generate a file “app-release-unsigned.apk” inside the […]
Vertically center aligning div or text is one of the most common requirements for creating great UI/UX of websites. This can be achieved by css or jquery. In this post, we will see how to do it using CSS Flex property. In the above code, we have 2 divs. ‘col-container’ is parent of ‘col-center’ and […]
When you visit a website, most of the times you see the fixed navigation on-scroll functionality. This means, when you are on the top of the page, the navigation bar is fixed at some place in header section of the page. But when you start scrolling down, then at some point, this navigation bar will […]
Git is an amazing version control system. Here are few basic commands that you need to start any git project. git init git init is used to create a new repository. If you have a local project folder in your system, then git init command will make the project as a repository. git add git […]
PHP Array is a special kind of variable which can hold more than one value. It has lots of benefits like you can loop through its values, you can run various array related functions on it etc. PHP Create Array array() function is used to create an array. Or in other words, you can say […]
PHP implode() function joins all the elements of an array with the provided joiner string/character and returns a string. In this function, we pass 2 parameters i.e. joiner, array. Unlike PHP explode function, it doesn’t have any 3rd parameter. joiner optional A character or string that is placed between the elements of array while joining.The […]